Emanuel Sueyro, un traductor de Tácito, Salustio y Veleyo Patérculo, alabado por Lope
Este artículo indaga en la figura de Emanuel Sueyro (1587–1629), concretamente en su faceta de traductor de autores clásicos en el Flandes hispánico del siglo XVII. Hasta el momento, conocemos su labor diplomática, pero son escasos los estudios que han abordado su vertiente cultural, a pesar de ser autor de una extensa obra historiográfica (Anales de Flandes, 1624) y de haber traducido las obras de historiadores latinos como Tácito (1613), Salustio (1615) y Veleyo Patérculo (1630). Sus trabajos no permanecieron ajenos a los círculos culturales del seiscientos, como demuestran los testimonios encontrados que vinculan su figura con Lope de Vega. Las sucesivas ediciones de sus traducciones reflejan que sus versiones castellanas de los clásicos latinos fueron ampliamente acogidas en el siglo posterior.
Emanuel Sueyro, a translator of Tacitus, Sallust and Velleius Paterculus, praised by Lope
This article analyzes the figure of Emanuel Sueyro (1587-1629), specifically his role as translator of Roman historians in Hispanic Flanders in the 17th century. To date we only know about his diplomatic work, little has been studied about his cultural production, despite being the author of an extensive historical work (Anales de Flandes, 1624) and having translated Latin works by historians such as Tacitus (1613), Sallust (1615) and Veleyus Paterculus (1630). His works were disseminated in the cultural circles of the 17th century, as demonstrated by the testimonies found that link him with Lope de Vega. Successive editions of his translations reflect that his Spanish versions by these Latin historians were widely accepted in the following century.